Monday, January 31, 2011

Round 2, Day 1

Back in the game today with chemo. It was supposed to start at 1:30, but it was a bit later ... closer to 2:30.

Kel did pretty well. He said he dozed off an on, mostly listened to music on the Nano and relaxed. The day ran a bit later than we expected, so we had to hightail it out of there to grab David and for me to get to teaching.

Kel even ate dinner tonight post-chemo! Did well ... had a few pieces of leftover pizza and some puddings. Good job! Let's see how his weight is tomorrow. Officially at his weigh-in today he was down ~11 lbs from the start of chemo. Grrrr, I am only down 3 lbs since he started. He is such a cheater! j/k, of course.

David and Kel had the night together - just the boys. David was not so good at school today - a bit of confusing his love of being 'Spiderman' with being evil (punching, pushing, etc), so no iPad for him and no tv, but he and Kel did well. They had a lot of talks about good Spiderman vs Bad guys, so hopefully that will sink in tomorrow at school?

On the surface, both Kel and I are doing ok. Working through all of this. Just don't ask us about sleeping. Kel can't sleep through the night very well - can't stop his mind from racing. I sleep alright, but my dreams are not very positive - I already detailed the loss of a fight. I also had a dream about not being able to fly out another of Kel's family members (this time we were trying to bring out his sister Rachel ... in my dream), and another about not making the short list for the job in Omaha. (I haven't heard anything from them yet ... just being negative in my dreams about everything).

Things that suck: time. It moves too slow when you need it to go faster and too fast when you need it to slow down. My class started 45 minutes late tonight, and we were racing to get home so I could go. And on the flip side, I am sure time dragged on for Kel while he was waiting for day 1 of round 2 to start since it was late.

Another things that sucks are Kel's veins. He is apparently HARD to get an i.v. into. He has noticeably thick skin, 'sludgy' blood (as he was told today), and a tendency to shunt his blood to his core and away from his arms when poked and missed. Today was the worst for him - it was 3 pokes before they got the i.v. line in. Most days it is only 2, but Kel is a pin cushion! Hopefully tomorrow will go better, and he will leave in the i.v. from tomorrow night through Wednesday morning to avoid these problems again.

Nothing else to report, so goodnight!


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